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39 bytes removed, 19:15, 20 February 2017
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|Move Type=[[Standard Move]]
|Type=[[normalNormal]]|Power=1210|Energy Requirement=1/5 Bar|Effective Against=|Ineffective Against=[[Rock]], [[Steel]]|DescriptionPower Per Second=The target is cut with a scythe or a claw50. It can also be used to cut down thin trees.|Used by=0
|Critical Chance=0.0%
|Stamina Loss=0.01
|Energy=75|Energy Per Second=25.0|Energy Requirement=
|Effective Against=|Ineffective Against=[[Rock]], [[Steel]], [[Ghost]]|Duration=11301000|Damage Window Start=930300|Damage Window End=1130500|Power Per SecondDamage Window=10.62200|Energy Per SecondDescription=6The target is cut with a scythe or claw.19|Damage WindowUsed by=200.0|Pokemon=[[Farfetch'dSunkern]]
[[Cut]] is a [[normalNormal]] [[type]] [[Standard Move]].
==Effective Against==
==Ineffective Against==
==Used By Pokemon==
[[Category:Moves]] [[Category:normalNormal]] [[Category:Standard Moves]]

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