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Zen Headbutt

78 bytes added, 19:23, 20 February 2017
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|image=zen headbutt1.jpg
|Move Type=[[Standard Move]]
|Type=[[psychic (Type)Psychic]]
|Energy RequirementPower Per Second=|Effective Against=[[Fighting]], [[Poison]]|Ineffective Against=[[Psychic]], [[Steel]]|Description=The user focuses its willpower to its head and attacks the target60.|Used by=0
|Critical Chance=0.0%
|Stamina Loss=0.01
|Energy=+410|Energy Per Second=50.0|Energy Requirement=
|Effective Against=[[Fighting]], [[Poison]]|Ineffective Against=[[Psychic]], [[Steel]], [[Dark]]|Duration=10501550
|Damage Window Start=850
|Damage Window End=1050
|Power Per Second=11.43
|Energy Per Second=+3.81
|Damage Window=200
|Description=The user focuses its willpower to its head and attacks the target. This may also make the target flinch.|Used by=|Pokemon=[[AbraClefairy]], [[ChanseyClefable]], [[ClefablePsyduck]], [[ClefairyAbra]], [[ExeggutorHypno]], [[HypnoLickitung]], [[LickitungChansey]], [[Mr. Mime]], [[PorygonTauros]], [[PsyduckSnorlax]], [[Cleffa]], [[Espeon]], [[Stantler]], [[SnorlaxMiltank]], [[TaurosBlissey]]
[[Zen Headbutt]] is a [[psychic (Type)Psychic]] [[type]] [[Standard Move]].
==Effective Against==
==Used By Pokemon==
[[Category:Moves]] [[Category:psychicPsychic]] [[Category:Standard Moves]]

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