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Number 317
Generation 3
Type poison
Classification Poison Bag Pokemon
Max CP 1872
Max HP  ??
Max Attack 155
Max Defense 174
Max Stamina 215
Height 5'7", 1.70m
Weight 176.4lbs, 80.0kg
Evolves From Gulpin
Total Evolution Req  ??
Next Evolution Req Max
Egg Distance  ??
Standard Moves  ?????
Special Moves  ?????
Strengths poison, fighting, fairy, grass, bug
Weaknesses psychic, ground
Description When SWALOT spots prey, it spurts out a hideously toxic fluid from its pores and sprays the target. Once the prey has weakened, this Pokemon gulps it down whole with its cavernous mouth.
Spawn Chance  ??
Acquired by Where to Find and Catch Swalot

Swalot is a poison type Pokemon.

Hidden Stats

Swalot Hidden Stats
Base Stamina 200
Base Attack 140
Base Defense 159
Base Capture Rate  ??
Base Flee Rate  ??
Collision Radius  ??
Collision Height  ??
Collision Head Radius  ??
Movement Type  ??
Movement Timer  ??
Jump Time  ??
Attack Time  ??
Pokedex Height 1.70m
Pokedex Weight 80.0kg
Height Standard Deviation  ??
Weight Standard Deviation  ??


Standard Moves

Special Moves

Old Moves


File:Gulpin1.png + ?? Candy --> File:Swalot1.png

Strengths and Weaknesses



Acquired By


Additional Information