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===Where To Find Grass Type Pokemon===
===Where To Find Grass Type Pokemon===
[[Spawn Zones]]: [[Park]], [[Farm]], [[Forest]], [[Hiking Trails]], [[Garden]], [[Golf Course]], [[Woodland]], [[Grassy Area]], [[Meadow]], [[Nature Reserve]]
[[Spawn Zones]]: [[Park]], [[Farm]], [[Forest]], [[Garden]], [[Golf Course]], [[Wood]], [[Grass (Spawn Zone)]], [[Meadow]], [[Nature Reserve]]
Grass Pokemon are found in grassy areas such as parks, farms, forests, golf courses
Grass Pokemon are found in grassy areas or areas with vegetation such as parks, farms, forests, golf courses etc.
===List of All Grass Pokemon===
===List of All Grass Pokemon===
{{#ask: [[Category:Pokemon]] [[Category:Grass]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Pokemon]] [[Category:Grass]]

Revision as of 05:39, 26 July 2016

Where To Find Grass Type Pokemon

Spawn Zones: Park, Farm, Forest, Garden, Golf Course, Wood, Grass (Spawn Zone), Meadow, Nature Reserve

Grass Pokemon are found in grassy areas or areas with vegetation such as parks, farms, forests, golf courses etc.

List of All Grass Pokemon

PokemonNumberMax CPMax HPMax AttackMax DefenseMax StaminaEvolution
Standard MovesSpecial MovesAcquired by
Vine Whip
Sludge Bomb
Seed Bomb
Power Whip
Where to Find and Catch Bulbasaur
Ivysaur21552107166166135N/ARazor Leaf
Vine Whip
Sludge Bomb
Solar Beam
Power Whip
Where to Find and Catch Ivysaur
Venusaur32568138213213175N/ARazor Leaf
Vine Whip
Sludge Bomb
Solar Beam
Petal Blizzard
Where to Find and Catch Venusaur
Oddish431069831461311055kmRazor Leaf
Seed Bomb
Sludge Bomb
Where to Find and Catch Oddish
Gloom441512107168154135N/ARazor Leaf
Petal Blizzard
Sludge Bomb
Where to Find and Catch Gloom
Vileplume452367130217185165N/ARazor Leaf
Petal Blizzard
Solar Beam
Where to Find and Catch Vileplume
Paras4683667136114855kmBug Bite
Seed Bomb
Cross Poison
Where to Find and Catch Paras
Parasect471657107180161135N/AFury Cutter
Struggle Bug
Solar Beam
Cross Poison
Where to Find and Catch Parasect
Vine Whip
Sludge Bomb
Power Whip
Where to Find and Catch Bellsprout
Bullet Seed
Sludge Bomb
Power Whip
Seed Bomb
Where to Find and Catch Weepinbell
Razor Leaf
Sludge Bomb
Leaf Blade
Solar Beam
Where to Find and Catch Victreebel
Bullet Seed
Seed Bomb
Ancient Power
Psychic (Move)
Where to Find and Catch Exeggcute
Exeggutor1032942162248176205N/ABullet Seed
Seed Bomb
Solar Beam
Psychic (Move)
Where to Find and Catch Exeggutor
Tangela11422081151982201455kmVine Whip
Sludge Bomb
Solar Beam
Grass Knot
Where to Find and Catch Tangela
Vine Whip
Energy Ball
Grass Knot
Body Slam
Where to Find and Catch Chikorita
Bayleef1531296??137170135N/ARazor Leaf
Energy Ball
Grass Knot
Ancient Power
Where to Find and Catch Bayleef
Meganium1542227??183217175N/ARazor Leaf
Vine Whip
Petal Blizzard
Solar Beam
Where to Find and Catch Meganium
Bellossom1822108??184204165N/ARazor Leaf
Leaf Blade
Petal Blizzard
Dazzling Gleam
Where to Find and Catch Bellossom
Bullet Seed
Grass Knot
Dazzling Gleam
Seed Bomb
Where to Find and Catch Hoppip
Bullet Seed
Grass Knot
Dazzling Gleam
Energy Ball
Where to Find and Catch Skiploom
Bullet Seed
Energy Ball
Dazzling Gleam
Solar Beam
Where to Find and Catch Jumpluff
Sunkern191316??707075N/ARazor Leaf
Energy Ball
Grass Knot
Seed Bomb
Where to Find and Catch Sunkern
Sunflora1922048??200163165N/ARazor Leaf
Bullet Seed
Solar Beam
Petal Blizzard
Sludge Bomb
Where to Find and Catch Sunflora
Charge Beam
Hyper Beam
Dazzling Gleam
Psychic (Move)
Where to Find and Catch Celebi
Treecko252923??13911995????????????Where to Find and Catch Treecko
Grovyle2531508??187145115????????????Where to Find and Catch Grovyle
Sceptile2542584??238195155????????????Where to Find and Catch Sceptile
Lotad270526??8610195????????????Where to Find and Catch Lotad
Lombre2711102??127143135????????????Where to Find and Catch Lombre
Ludicolo2722229??188206175????????????Where to Find and Catch Ludicolo
Seedot273526??8610195????????????Where to Find and Catch Seedot
Nuzleaf2741117??14993155????????????Where to Find and Catch Nuzleaf
Shiftry2752186??215136195????????????Where to Find and Catch Shiftry
Shroomish285722??89125135????????????Where to Find and Catch Shroomish
Breloom2862407??256168135????????????Where to Find and Catch Breloom
Roselia3151718??201163115????????????Where to Find and Catch Roselia
Cacnea3311080??17189115????????????Where to Find and Catch Cacnea
Cacturne3322092??236130155????????????Where to Find and Catch Cacturne
Lileep3451181??120169147????????????Where to Find and Catch Lileep
Cradily3462081??167213187????????????Where to Find and Catch Cradily
Tropius3571846??151180213????????????Where to Find and Catch Tropius
Turtwig3871066??134130125????????????Where to Find and Catch Turtwig
Grotle3881783??172167165????????????Where to Find and Catch Grotle
Torterra3892825??217212205????????????Where to Find and Catch Torterra
Budew406766??10614195????????????Where to Find and Catch Budew
Roserade4072783??258221135????????????Where to Find and Catch Roserade
Wormadam4131616??156204135????????????Where to Find and Catch Wormadam
Cherubi420829??123111105????????????Where to Find and Catch Cherubi
Cherrim4211886??185172155????????????Where to Find and Catch Cherrim
Carnivine4551979??202151163????????????Where to Find and Catch Carnivine
Snover4591054??130125135????????????Where to Find and Catch Snover
Abomasnow4602245??193178195????????????Where to Find and Catch Abomasnow
Tangrowth4653110??222234215????????????Where to Find and Catch Tangrowth
Leafeon4702849??231269145????????????Where to Find and Catch Leafeon
Shaymin4923090??225225215????????????Where to Find and Catch Shaymin
Snivy495728??103122105????????????Where to Find and Catch Snivy
Servine4961284??137167135????????????Where to Find and Catch Servine
Serperior4972089??176219165????????????Where to Find and Catch Serperior
Pansage511832??119109115????????????Where to Find and Catch Pansage
Simisage5122156??221148165????????????Where to Find and Catch Simisage
Sewaddle540852??111144105????????????Where to Find and Catch Sewaddle
Swadloon5411221??130181125????????????Where to Find and Catch Swadloon
Leavanny5422368??220180165????????????Where to Find and Catch Leavanny
Cottonee546599??8613195????????????Where to Find and Catch Cottonee
Whimsicott5471823??179197135????????????Where to Find and Catch Whimsicott
Petilil548882??134106105????????????Where to Find and Catch Petilil
Lilligant5492321??229170155????????????Where to Find and Catch Lilligant
Maractus5562086??216145165????????????Where to Find and Catch Maractus
Deerling5851011??130115135????????????Where to Find and Catch Deerling
Sawsbuck5862233??213161175????????????Where to Find and Catch Sawsbuck
Foongus590907??112110153????????????Where to Find and Catch Foongus
Amoonguss5912087??170159243????????????Where to Find and Catch Amoonguss
Ferroseed597806??97172103????????????Where to Find and Catch Ferroseed
Ferrothorn5982159??173245163????????????Where to Find and Catch Ferrothorn
Virizion6403009??207275197????????????Where to Find and Catch Virizion
Chespin6501007??125131127????????????Where to Find and Catch Chespin
Quilladin6511618??161189137????????????Where to Find and Catch Quilladin
Chesnaught6522900??216242191????????????Where to Find and Catch Chesnaught
Skiddo6721154??138122147????????????Where to Find and Catch Skiddo
Gogoat6732775??211170261????????????Where to Find and Catch Gogoat
Phantump708974??140123101????????????Where to Find and Catch Phantump
Trevenant7092406??216172185????????????Where to Find and Catch Trevenant
Pumpkaboo7101083??136144113????????????Where to Find and Catch Pumpkaboo
Gourgeist7112263??190251145????????????Where to Find and Catch Gourgeist
Rowlet722971??117117151????????????Where to Find and Catch Rowlet
Dartrix7231606??157157171????????????Where to Find and Catch Dartrix
Decidueye7242643??225207171????????????Where to Find and Catch Decidueye
Fomantis753622??1157995????????????Where to Find and Catch Fomantis
Lurantis7542183??207184155????????????Where to Find and Catch Lurantis
Morelull755895??12314395????????????Where to Find and Catch Morelull
Shiinotic7561699??169192135????????????Where to Find and Catch Shiinotic
Bounsweet761398??708499????????????Where to Find and Catch Bounsweet
Steenee762661??93109119????????????Where to Find and Catch Steenee
Tsareena7632704??237210159????????????Where to Find and Catch Tsareena
Dhelmise7812720??248199155????????????Where to Find and Catch Dhelmise
Tapu Bulu7873180??264240155????????????Where to Find and Catch Tapu Bulu
Kartana7984362??370268133????????????Where to Find and Catch Kartana