

994 bytes added, 21:51, 24 September 2016
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|Level requirement=
|Difficulty to find=
|Price=80 PokéCoins, /500 PokéCoins, /1250 PokéCoins
|Acquired by=[[Shop]]
Incense attracts [[Pokemon]] to you. They last for 30 minutes and remains even when you're offline. Note that unlike [[Lure Module]], Incense only attracts Pokemon to the user who used it.
On average Incense attracts 1 Pokemon every 5 minutes while standing still and 1 every minutes while traveling 200 meters or faster. Note that these Pokemon de-spawns after 2.5 minutes.
Note that Incense spawns new Pokemon at your location. It '''does not''' lure nearby Pokemon to you. It is best used in desolate areas where natural Pokemon spawns are few and far between.
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==Additional Information==
*Pokemon spawned by Incense will have small pink circles under them while natural spawns have while circles.
*If you're trying to find Pokemon that are uncommon in your area, drop an incense when there are few Pokemon in your [[Sightings]]. You're more likely to get rare/usual spawns from Incense this way.
[[Category:Items]] [[Category:Released]] [[Category:Lures]] [[Category:Shop]]