Where to Find and Catch Heracross

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Rewrite icon1.png If you have any additional tips or info please help and check out Nest Infobox and our forum
Heracross are found and captured in Nest and Habitat locations. Heracross only spawn in South America, Central America, Mexico and small parts of Texas and Florida south of latitude 29N (29 degrees above equator).


Heracross Nests are locations that consistently spawn Heracross.
NestStatusConfirmed DateCountryState/ProvinceTown/CityAddressLatitudeLongitude
Heracross Nest - Parque Santos DumontConfirmed2017/03/03BrazilSao PauloSão José dos CamposParque Santos Dumont-23.19954079-45.89060605
Heracross Nest - Bayfront Park Path in Miami, FLConfirmed2017/03/03United StatesFloridaMiamiBayfront Park Path25.77467752-80.18531978
Heracross Nest - Lake County Courthouse in Tavares, FLConfirmed2017/03/03United StatesFloridaTavares550 West Main St28.80268561-81.73276663
Heracross Nest - S Olive Ave in West Palm Beach, FLConfirmed2017/03/03United StatesFloridaWest Palm Beach314 Fern St26.71029414-80.05197644
Heracross Nest - Best Western Corpus ChristiConfirmed2017/03/03United StatesTexasCorpus Christi333 N Shoreline Blvd27.79398636-97.39235044
Heracross Nest - The Texas Zoo in Victoria, TXConfirmed2017/03/03United StatesTexasVictoriaThe Texas Zoo28.80932756-97.01912642
Nest in Bayfront Park Path, Miami FLUnconfirmed2017/02/24United StatesFloridaMiamiBayfront Park Path25.77467752-80.18531978


Heracross Habitats are spawn locations where Heracross is likely to be encountered, but not guaranteed the way a Nest is.
HabitatStatusConfirmed DateCountryState/ProvinceTown/CityAddressLatitudeLongitude
Habitat in 101-189 R. Antônio Agú, Osasco SPUnconfirmed2017/03/01BrazilSao PauloOsasco101-189 R. Antônio Agú-23.52968095-46.77730680
Habitat in Complexo Viário Ayrton Senna, São Paulo SPUnconfirmed2017/03/01BrazilSao PauloSao PauloComplexo Viário Ayrton Senna-23.58953390-46.66080236

Additional Tips and Information

Best Nests

If you know a really good nest or any of the nests above is really good, list them here: