that occasionally spawn that Pokemon.
Gyms | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Town/City | State/Province | Country | - Olathe, KS | 38.871469 | -94.865715 | 930 S Wardcliff Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
- Topeka, KS | 39.022662 | -95.660933 | 2425-2499 SE Indiana Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
9/11 Memorial - Overland Park, KS | 38.902694 | -94.683041 | 12401 Hemlock St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Abode Mural - Wichita, KS | 37.686247 | -97.321192 | 1330 E Douglas Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Abundant Life Church - Kansas City, KS | 39.136241 | -94.770596 | 2715 N 83rd St | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Air Mural - Wichita, KS | 37.686329 | -97.314967 | 1824 E Douglas Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Alien Mural - Wichita, KS | 37.665887 | -97.352626 | 1021 W Harry St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
American Legion - Topeka, KS | 39.042133 | -95.682589 | 1300-1314 SW Topeka Blvd | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Amesbury Lake Park Shelter - Overland Park, KS | 38.871646 | -94.734586 | 12500 W 143rd St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Amphitheater - Olathe, KS | 38.895444 | -94.841081 | Bittersweet Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Arrowhead Park Pedestrian Bridge - Olathe, KS | 38.85642 | -94.788632 | Indian Creek Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Autobahn Indy Car - Wichita, KS | 37.687972 | -97.316461 | 1713 E 1st St N | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Baby Dee Memorial Bench - Topeka, KS | 39.018906 | -95.724097 | Shunga Trail | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Barry Sanders Football Field - Wichita, KS | 37.708188 | -97.324748 | 1106-1198 E 13th St N | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Bell Cultural Events Center - Olathe, KS | 38.876301 | -94.782513 | 300-406 E Lindenwood Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Bethany United Methodist Church - Wichita, KS | 37.663992 | -97.338518 | 1601 S Main St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Bicycle Hoop Tree - Wichita, KS | 37.684441 | -97.350931 | 908 1/2 W Douglas Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Big Shunga Park - Topeka, KS | 39.015191 | -95.713683 | 2818-2992 SW 29th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Birchwood Hills North Fountains - Overland Park, KS | 38.863669 | -94.686089 | 14700 W 147th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Blarney Stone - Wichita, KS | 37.697933 | -97.335711 | 837 N Broadway St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Blossom by Ken Pierce - Gardner, KS | 38.884018 | -94.819381 | 231 N Cherry St | Gardner | Kansas | United States |
Blue Mary Poppins - Leawood, KS | 38.915366 | -94.644211 | 5069 W 117th St | Leawood | Kansas | United States |
Blue Metal Tripod Sculpture - Overland Park, KS | 38.913259 | -94.669136 | 11801-11899 Blue Valley Pkwy | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Bob Dole Monument - Topeka, KS | 39.046679 | -95.677445 | 901 SW Jackson St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Boy with Frog Statue at Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead - Overland Park, KS | 38.878107 | -94.701585 | 13800 Switzer Rd | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Brittany Hills Villas - Olathe, KS | 38.918118 | -94.795673 | 11575 Bell Ct Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Brittany Park - Overland Park, KS | 38.849014 | -94.670342 | 7297-7413 W 154th Terrace | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Brown vs. Board of Education - Topeka, KS | 39.038245 | -95.676059 | 1515 SE Monroe St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Brozne Bison Sculpture - Overland Park, KS | 38.876749 | -94.704428 | 13800 Switzer Rd | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Calming Water - Overland Park, KS | 38.872473 | -94.660293 | 6101 W 141st St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Campus Fountain - Kansas City, KS | 39.118364 | -94.747848 | Campus Blvd | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Campus Gazebo - Olathe, KS | 38.875537 | -94.782703 | 301-407 E Lindenwood Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Cannon at Curtis Building - Topeka, KS | 39.046397 | -95.67669 | 120-198 SW 10th Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Carriage House for Sweet Mansion - Topeka, KS | 39.057739 | -95.677973 | 500-516 SW 3rd St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Cedar Lake Osage Shelter - Olathe, KS | 38.845543 | -94.838888 | Access Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Center of Grace Church - Olathe, KS | 38.874168 | -94.815676 | 520 S Harrison St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Central Park Stone - Topeka, KS | 39.042594 | -95.686229 | 701-715 SW 13th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Chapel Hill Memorial - Kansas City, KS | 39.114264 | -94.797618 | Cemetery Dr | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Children and a Dog Sculpture - Olathe, KS | 38.85116 | -94.832032 | 21350 W 153rd St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Christ Family Church - Olathe, KS | 38.868709 | -94.819024 | 905 S Chestnut St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Christian Faith Centre - Wichita, KS | 37.672244 | -97.335426 | 1130-1140 S Broadway St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Classic Car - Topeka, KS | 39.055138 | -95.685788 | 930-998 SW 6th Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Cluster IV - Wichita, KS | 37.695526 | -97.356825 | 1501-1599 W Pine St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
College Hill 125th Anniversary - Topeka, KS | 39.042462 | -95.702574 | 1901-2099 SW 13th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Colonial Presbyterian Church Quivera Campus - Overland Park, KS | 38.880307 | -94.732648 | Rosehill | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Constitution Hall -Topeka - Topeka, KS | 39.053556 | -95.67273 | 429 S Kansas Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Corbin Park - Overland Park, KS | 38.883291 | -94.667206 | 7025 W 135th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Core First Fountain - Topeka, KS | 39.012727 | -95.688327 | 701 SW 31st St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Crestview Park East Entrance - Topeka, KS | 39.017996 | -95.725184 | 2701-2725 SW Gage Blvd | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Crucifix Cross - Overland Park, KS | 38.922886 | -94.66884 | 11308 Metcalf Ave | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Deer Creek Woods Rock Display - Overland Park, KS | 38.884191 | -94.668228 | 13448 Metcalf Ave | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Deer Statues at Deer Creek - Overland Park, KS | 38.891217 | -94.668027 | 12970-12992 Metcalf Ave | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Delano Antique Mall - Wichita, KS | 37.684091 | -97.359876 | 1642 W Douglas Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Delano Clock Tower - Wichita, KS | 37.683954 | -97.346789 | 100 S Sycamore St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Diver Studio Sign - Wichita, KS | 37.681498 | -97.330886 | 418 S Commerce | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Dixon Baseball Stadium - Olathe, KS | 38.869446 | -94.782393 | 2020 E Sheridan St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Docking State Office Building - Topeka, KS | 39.047913 | -95.679879 | 901 SW Harrison St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Doe and Stag - Overland Park, KS | 38.886404 | -94.658344 | Lamar Ave | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Dog Days Of Sommer Mural - Wichita, KS | 37.69158 | -97.327422 | 901 E 3rd St N | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Dominic Passantino Memorial - Overland Park, KS | 38.878197 | -94.702421 | 13800 Switzer Rd | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
E.B. Allen Memorial Hospital - Wichita, KS | 37.701358 | -97.315675 | 1010 N Kansas St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Eilert Fountain - Overland Park, KS | 38.931292 | -94.697033 | 9580-9658 W 109th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Eisenhower Park Shelter - Kansas City, KS | 39.136648 | -94.740427 | Park Dr | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
El Centenario Mural - Topeka, KS | 39.041346 | -95.677523 | 1306-1308 S Kansas Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Elk Statue - Olathe, KS | 38.910025 | -94.777625 | 12051 Renner Blvd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Elphy - Topeka, KS | 39.056774 | -95.705668 | 622-678 SW MacVicar Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Enterprise Clock Tower - Olathe, KS | 38.88394 | -94.814015 | 430 E Santa Fe St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Ernie Miller Park Rolling Ridge Trail Entrance - Olathe, KS | 38.891222 | -94.840229 | Rolling Ridge Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Fair Grounds Entrance at Kansas Expocentre - Topeka, KS | 39.036749 | -95.683096 | 1751-1801 SW Topeka Blvd | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Fallen Soldiers Memorial - Kansas City, KS | 39.119721 | -94.76033 | 1325-1371 N 78th St | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Fellowship Baptist Church in Olathe - Olathe, KS | 38.862375 | -94.797458 | 1343-1487 S Ridgeview Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Final Call - Wichita, KS | 37.669551 | -97.335209 | 1310 S Broadway St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
First Assembly of God Church - Topeka, KS | 39.022614 | -95.685511 | 2601-2699 SW Topeka Blvd | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
First Baptist Church - Topeka, KS | 39.012337 | -95.707416 | 2401-2499 SW 30th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
First Baptist Church of Bethel - Kansas City, KS | 39.143359 | -94.752496 | 7500-7504 N 75th St | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
First Christian Church - Topeka, KS | 39.033305 | -95.72272 | 3600-3748 SW 19th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
First Christian Church of Topeka - Topeka, KS | 39.033766 | -95.723628 | 1880 SW Gage Blvd | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
First Church of the Nazarene - Wichita, KS | 37.679154 | -97.320709 | 1400 E Kellogg Dr S | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
First Presbyterian Church of Olathe - Olathe, KS | 38.873344 | -94.829937 | 713-749 S Lee Ave | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
First Southern Baptist Church - Topeka, KS | 39.03257 | -95.724727 | 1912 SW Gage Blvd | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
First United Methodist - Wichita, KS | 37.690538 | -97.335381 | 330 N Broadway St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Five Spires - Leawood, KS | 38.885996 | -94.642292 | 4911 W 134th St | Leawood | Kansas | United States |
Fleming Place Clock Tower - Topeka, KS | 39.049859 | -95.727101 | 4009 SW 10th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Flower Pot Vase - Olathe, KS | 38.852438 | -94.830608 | 21201 W 152nd St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Flowers Waterwall - Wichita, KS | 37.685376 | -97.335332 | 114 S Broadway St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Forgiven Man - Topeka, KS | 39.036431 | -95.713513 | 1701 SW Collins Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Fountain - Overland Park, KS | 38.867131 | -94.666512 | W 146th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Fountain - Wichita, KS | 37.67601 | -97.367997 | S Hiram St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Frank Carlson Federal Building - Topeka, KS | 39.052959 | -95.670942 | 401-499 SE Quincy St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Freebirds World Burrito Sculpture - Overland Park, KS | 38.913317 | -94.671495 | 7558 W 119th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Friends - Wichita, KS | 37.677833 | -97.364522 | 525 S Hiram St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Friends Chapel - Wichita, KS | 37.671096 | -97.36285 | 1101 S Glenn St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Friends University Davis Hall - Wichita, KS | 37.677867 | -97.365934 | 2100 W University St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Frisco Lake Incline Apparatus - Olathe, KS | 38.872495 | -94.806256 | 815 E Sheridan St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Frisco Lake Park - Olathe, KS | 38.869749 | -94.802287 | 931 S Sunset Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Frontier Park Sign - Olathe, KS | 38.892694 | -94.765557 | 15885-15905 Indian Creek Pkwy | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
GET MORE FREE ITEMS - Overland Park, KS | 38.91714 | -94.6588 | Sprint World Headquarters | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
GUMC Chapel - Olathe, KS | 38.92082 | -94.796272 | 11274-11498 S Ridgeview Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
GUMC Cross - Olathe, KS | 38.921524 | -94.794872 | 11400 S Parkwood Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Gage Center Clock Tower - Topeka, KS | 39.042959 | -95.72699 | 4117 SW Huntoon St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Gage Fun Center Bowling Lanes - Topeka, KS | 39.044048 | -95.728195 | 4146-4148 SW Huntoon St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Garmin Headquarters - Olathe, KS | 38.854822 | -94.797517 | 1851 S Ridgeview Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Gathering Place Cross - Olathe, KS | 38.898101 | -94.777839 | 16515 W 127th St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Gazebo Overlooking Lake - Overland Park, KS | 38.893187 | -94.650879 | 12068-12098 Maple St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Geronimo Sculpture Bronze - Wichita, KS | 37.68647 | -97.340325 | 126 N W St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Giant US Flag - Olathe, KS | 38.88329 | -94.778276 | 16593-16699 W 135th St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Giles Park - Topeka, KS | 39.061345 | -95.679878 | 804-808 W 1st Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Girl with Butterflies Fountain - Topeka, KS | 39.052212 | -95.696077 | 1500 SW 10th Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Gnome Totem - Overland Park, KS | 38.892796 | -94.67154 | 7320-7498 W 130th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Going West on the Old Santa Fe Trail - Olathe, KS | 38.892672 | -94.797929 | The Santa Fe Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Governor Landon's Acceptance - Topeka, KS | 39.047619 | -95.678231 | 300 SW 10th Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Governor's Row House - Topeka, KS | 39.052388 | -95.690634 | 811-825 SW Buchanan St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Grace Cathedral - Topeka, KS | 39.051033 | -95.683939 | 701 SW 8th Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church - Overland Park, KS | 38.927877 | -94.714362 | 11264 Nieman Rd | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Grace Tabernacle - Wichita, KS | 37.680235 | -97.349544 | 809 W Maple St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Great Mall Faith Journey Church - Olathe, KS | 38.858682 | -94.818897 | 20080 W 151st St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Greater Faith Ministries - Wichita, KS | 37.681885 | -97.354019 | 302 S Dodge Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Greater Holy Temple Church of God in Christ - Wichita, KS | 37.704786 | -97.316445 | 1201-1261 N Kansas St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Guitar Player with Dog - Wichita, KS | 37.685841 | -97.336335 | 205 E Douglas Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Heatherstone Beam Jump Station (World Trail) - Olathe, KS | 38.905372 | -94.743012 | Indian Creek Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Heatherstone Warm Up Station - Olathe, KS | 38.905083 | -94.744448 | Indian Creek Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Heavy Metal Mariachi Band - Olathe, KS | 38.882206 | -94.789352 | 101-139 N Clairborne Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Henry Park - Wichita, KS | 37.669485 | -97.319994 | 1325 Ellis S | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Hidden Fish - Wichita, KS | 37.693632 | -97.320442 | 1502 E Central Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Hillcrest Christian Church - Overland Park, KS | 38.921991 | -94.723086 | 11411 Quivira Rd | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Hillview Church of God - Kansas City, KS | 39.111307 | -94.759787 | 701-719 N 78th St | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Historic Campbell Castle - Wichita, KS | 37.704457 | -97.3587 | 1155 N River Blvd | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Historic Cherry Street plaque - Overland Park, KS | 38.854142 | -94.665419 | 15130 Broadmoor St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Historic Cowtown JR MEAD Cabin - Wichita, KS | 37.693181 | -97.360745 | 1865 Museum Blvd | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Historic Firestation - Topeka, KS | 39.050174 | -95.677309 | 741-799 SW Van Buren St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Historic Stanley Bank - Overland Park, KS | 38.854818 | -94.673738 | 7590 151st St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Horse Meets Turtle - Overland Park, KS | 38.882793 | -94.651985 | 13800 Outlook St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Horse Statues - Overland Park, KS | 38.882217 | -94.66573 | 7001 W 135th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Hot Air Balloon Bus Stop - Wichita, KS | 37.701125 | -97.313739 | 1024 N Minnesota St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Hummer Soccer Complex - Topeka, KS | 39.059241 | -95.715271 | 518-598 SW Oakley Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Huntoon and Washburn Graffiti - Topeka, KS | 39.044086 | -95.697062 | 1511 SW Huntoon St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Hyde Park - Wichita, KS | 37.684603 | -97.319606 | 200-212 Ellis S | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Ice Cream Palace - Wichita, KS | 37.704478 | -97.348139 | 828 W 11th St N | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Idle Hands Tattoo and Piercing Mural - Wichita, KS | 37.683768 | -97.35172 | 110 S Walnut St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Iglesia Bautista Getsemani - Wichita, KS | 37.680961 | -97.373522 | 242 S Edwards St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Immanuel Baptist Church Cross - Kansas City, KS | 39.128965 | -94.784996 | 8824-8870 Parallel Pkwy | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Indian Creek Estates - Overland Park, KS | 38.919706 | -94.686386 | 8716 W 116th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Indian Creek Trail Map - Overland Park, KS | 38.932728 | -94.696089 | Indian Creek Trail | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Indian Creek Trail Mile 16 Marker - Olathe, KS | 38.874398 | -94.784819 | Indian Creek Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Indian Creek Trail Mile Marker 17 and Water Fountain - Olathe, KS | 38.860358 | -94.788619 | Indian Creek Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Insurance Building - Topeka, KS | 39.050505 | -95.675596 | 701 SW Jackson St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Interesting Metal Sculpture at City of Olathe Municipal Services - Olathe, KS | 38.862427 | -94.844483 | 1385 S Robinson St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Intrust Bank Fountain - Wichita, KS | 37.686168 | -97.338997 | 142-198 W Douglas Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Italian Fountain at Palazzo - Overland Park, KS | 38.881485 | -94.683826 | 8601 W 135th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
John Duffield Memorial Rest Area - Olathe, KS | 38.886388 | -94.774142 | Indian Creek Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Johnson County Library - Overland Park, KS | 38.855173 | -94.690623 | 8998 151st St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Johnson County Public Works - Olathe, KS | 38.864816 | -94.845273 | 1584-1608 W Old 56 Hwy | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Judson's Power Cross - Kansas City, KS | 39.117484 | -94.771922 | 8300 State Ave | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
K-State Research and Extension Garden Gallery - Olathe, KS | 38.914329 | -94.797842 | 11809-11899 S Ridgeview Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
KCKCC Library - Kansas City, KS | 39.121372 | -94.747134 | Bethal Ln | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
KNI Soccer Complex - Topeka, KS | 39.028093 | -95.716478 | 3141-3239 SW 21st St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Kansas Korean War Memorial - Wichita, KS | 37.690474 | -97.344667 | 371-399 Veterans Pkwy | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Kansas Law Enforcement Memorial - Topeka, KS | 39.048944 | -95.676868 | 201-299 SW 8th Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Keeper of the Plains Statue - Wichita, KS | 37.691333 | -97.349641 | 577-591 W Central Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witness - Olathe, KS | 38.866855 | -94.797529 | 1001-1099 S Ridgeview Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Korean War Veterans Memorial - Overland Park, KS | 38.912553 | -94.677376 | 11900-11930 Lowell Ave | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
LD's Song by Rollin Karg - Wichita, KS | 37.68631 | -97.328745 | 800 E Douglas Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Lake Olathe 10 - Olathe, KS | 38.880435 | -94.869925 | 13819-13829 Ward Cliff Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Large Fountain - Wichita, KS | 37.680684 | -97.340724 | 520-598 S Wichita St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Laura's Place - Olathe, KS | 38.869237 | -94.786583 | 1944-1966 E Sheridan St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Leaping Fountains - Olathe, KS | 38.883289 | -94.817681 | 211 E Santa Fe St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Leawood Pylon - Leawood, KS | 38.916383 | -94.648697 | 5475-5499 W 117th St | Leawood | Kansas | United States |
Legal Eagle - Topeka, KS | 39.035592 | -95.705852 | 1733-1737 SW MacVicar Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Lewis Street Bridge - Wichita, KS | 37.681133 | -97.34185 | 352 W Lewis St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Lifepoint Church - Topeka, KS | 39.013188 | -95.684093 | 150-198 SW 30th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Lighthouse Sculpture - Olathe, KS | 38.876205 | -94.834272 | 601 S Edgemere Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Lighton Plaza Fountain - Overland Park, KS | 38.929293 | -94.670781 | 7300 Marty Ave | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Lily Statue of Little Girl - Overland Park, KS | 38.877521 | -94.701619 | 13800 Switzer Rd | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Lincoln College Original Site - Topeka, KS | 39.046454 | -95.676965 | 902-998 SW Jackson St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Little Free Library Behind Lutheran Church - Topeka, KS | 39.013906 | -95.703014 | 1924-1926 SW 29th Terrace | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Living Water Fellowship - Olathe, KS | 38.881947 | -94.821183 | 217 W Park St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Mahaffie Creek Trail - Olathe, KS | 38.90569 | -94.811979 | Northgate | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Mahaffie Farmstead Pond - Olathe, KS | 38.893725 | -94.802833 | 1037 E Cothrell St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Margie Button Memorial Fountain - BOTANICA - Wichita, KS | 37.695545 | -97.363378 | 701 Amidon St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Marilyn Is Back - Topeka, KS | 39.029725 | -95.725382 | 2037 SW Gage Blvd | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Mary Statue at Most Pure Heart Church - Topeka, KS | 39.036449 | -95.721798 | 3601 SW 17th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
McAdams Park WW2 Veterans Memorial - Wichita, KS | 37.708558 | -97.323506 | 1200-1248 E 13th St N | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
McCormick School - Wichita, KS | 37.673536 | -97.357027 | 1300-1408 W McCormick St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
McDonald Field - Topeka, KS | 39.022791 | -95.709505 | 2501-2563 SW Shunga Dr | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
McLean Fountain - Wichita, KS | 37.686009 | -97.344979 | 199 McLean Blvd | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Medford Park - Topeka, KS | 39.055059 | -95.709408 | 2512-2598 SW 8th Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Megan's Windmill - Overland Park, KS | 38.876879 | -94.703644 | 13800 Switzer Rd | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Memorial Cross for Rev. Glen Thompson - Topeka, KS | 39.009371 | -95.700265 | 3251-3271 SW Burlingame Rd | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Memorial for Tom Handley - Topeka, KS | 39.051395 | -95.695768 | 901-999 SW Washburn Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Michael Mick Roach Memorial - Topeka, KS | 39.021895 | -95.708256 | Shunga Trail | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
MidAmerica Nazarene University - Olathe, KS | 38.869342 | -94.779885 | 14161 S Mur-Len Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Mike Heiskell Memorial Bench - Olathe, KS | 38.89767 | -94.842087 | Bittersweet Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Mill Creek Streamway Park Final Trail Segment - Olathe, KS | 38.923868 | -94.803135 | 11344 S Millview Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Monarch Garden - Olathe, KS | 38.877846 | -94.805529 | 320 S Blake St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Morgan Hostetter Memorial Bench - Topeka, KS | 39.01687 | -95.719761 | Shunga Trail | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Mural - Topeka, KS | 39.034053 | -95.697 | 1801-1859 SW Washburn Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Mural of Sports and Music Larger Wall - Topeka, KS | 39.0395 | -95.691441 | 1534 SW Clay St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Murdock Theatre - Wichita, KS | 37.6947 | -97.335098 | 536 N Broadway St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Museum at Prairiefire - Overland Park, KS | 38.882162 | -94.651989 | 5801 W 135th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
NW Wichita Cracker Mural - Wichita, KS | 37.716908 | -97.335754 | 1853 N Broadway St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
NW Wichita Hope Park - Wichita, KS | 37.70977 | -97.333218 | 1457 N Emporia Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
National Society of Decorative - Wichita, KS | 37.69045 | -97.352731 | 393 N McLean Blvd | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Native Prairie Grasses - Olathe, KS | 38.89629 | -94.839379 | South Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Never Too Big - Wichita, KS | 37.696287 | -97.363322 | 701 Amidon St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
New Hope Church - Olathe, KS | 38.883832 | -94.83986 | 1404-1408 W Santa Fe St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church - Topeka, KS | 39.045463 | -95.661372 | 715-799 SE Chandler St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
New Life Baptist Church - Olathe, KS | 38.880807 | -94.797046 | 1398-1300 E Loula St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
New Salem Missionary Baptist Church - Wichita, KS | 37.687987 | -97.310538 | 158 N Madison Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
New Testament Non-Denominational Church - Wichita, KS | 37.687363 | -97.370818 | 254 N Meridian Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Nifty Nut House - Wichita, KS | 37.694405 | -97.332088 | 527 St Francis N | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
North High Tower - Wichita, KS | 37.708917 | -97.344386 | 1401-1449 N Rochester St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
North Walnut Park - Gardner, KS | 38.892113 | -94.823009 | 800 N Walnut St | Gardner | Kansas | United States |
Northgate Access portal - Olathe, KS | 38.909067 | -94.809937 | 1700 Northgate St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Nottingham Stone Gate - Overland Park, KS | 38.912614 | -94.705416 | 10301-10429 W 119th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Oak Park Disc Golf Course - Wichita, KS | 37.706702 | -97.355126 | 1201-1499 N Oak Park Dr | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Olathe American Legion Howitzer - Olathe, KS | 38.869319 | -94.814319 | 624 E Dennis Ave | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Olathe Buddhist Center - Olathe, KS | 38.886844 | -94.828398 | 725 W Spruce St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Olathe Civil War Memorial - Olathe, KS | 38.894916 | -94.816716 | 901-1049 N Woodland St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Olathe Community Center - Olathe, KS | 38.890434 | -94.79839 | 1205 E Kansas City Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Olathe Gateway Stage - Olathe, KS | 38.911441 | -94.777709 | 16575 Bass Pro Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Olathe Lake Boat Dock - Olathe, KS | 38.874144 | -94.873597 | 13901-13999 S Lakeshore Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Olathe Parks Sailing Center - Olathe, KS | 38.873405 | -94.87279 | 866-948 S Lakeshore Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Olathe Post Office - Olathe, KS | 38.853583 | -94.778843 | 16665 151st St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Old Cowtown Museum - Wichita, KS | 37.69345 | -97.360089 | 1865 Museum Blvd | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Old Town Mobile - Wichita, KS | 37.685892 | -97.333427 | 423 E Douglas Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Old Town Square - Wichita, KS | 37.690464 | -97.329277 | 323 E Morris St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Old Town Suites Mural - Wichita, KS | 37.685866 | -97.326025 | 1003 E Douglas Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
One on One - Topeka, KS | 39.035027 | -95.701964 | 1845 SW Jewell Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Oregon Trail Park - Olathe, KS | 38.867661 | -94.844451 | 1100 S Robinson St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Original Tortilla Jacks Mural - Topeka, KS | 39.037701 | -95.696097 | 1618 SW Washburn Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Orpheum Theatre - Wichita, KS | 37.688021 | -97.335497 | 200 N Broadway St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Our Lady of Life - Overland Park, KS | 38.870008 | -94.646177 | 14244 Juniper St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Overland Park Community Church - Overland Park, KS | 38.860227 | -94.668215 | 14800 Metcalf Ave | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Overland Park Trees - Overland Park, KS | 38.900824 | -94.739621 | Indian Creek Trail | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
POW MIA Memorial - Olathe, KS | 38.868064 | -94.817436 | 268-354 E Old 56 Hwy | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Park Villa - Wichita, KS | 37.702125 | -97.349386 | 1001-1089 N Oak Park Dr | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Park Woods Presbyterian Church - Overland Park, KS | 38.892157 | -94.723456 | 13001 Quivira Rd | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Parks and Forestry - Overland Park, KS | 38.91238 | -94.680477 | 11921 Hardy St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Passage Marker - Topeka, KS | 39.036265 | -95.703513 | SW Jewell Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Paul D Hubbard Field - Olathe, KS | 38.88192 | -94.813441 | 431 E Park St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Philadelphia Bible Church - Kansas City, KS | 39.12883 | -94.76941 | 8170 Parallel Pkwy | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Pillar - Overland Park, KS | 38.879611 | -94.664465 | 6909 W 135th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
PoP: Mary Statue - Olathe, KS | 38.870225 | -94.771734 | 16000 W 143rd St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Pocket of Peace - Olathe, KS | 38.902763 | -94.813077 | 600 E 125th Terrace | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Pour Haus Mural - Wichita, KS | 37.68032 | -97.352468 | 1021 W Maple St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Prairie Center Park - Olathe, KS | 38.889841 | -94.843887 | Prairie Terrace | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Prairie Center Park Swings - Olathe, KS | 38.888172 | -94.846167 | Prairie Terrace | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Prairie Fire Fountain - Overland Park, KS | 38.883003 | -94.650037 | 13500 Nall Ave | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Praise Chapel Christian Fellowship West Campus - Kansas City, KS | 39.127673 | -94.696736 | 5045 Parallel Pkwy | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Presidential Grove of Washburn University - Topeka, KS | 39.029881 | -95.702277 | 1750-1798 SW 21st St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Prince of Peace Catholic Church - Olathe, KS | 38.869276 | -94.771173 | 16000 W 143rd St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Regnier Hall - Overland Park, KS | 38.898889 | -94.726242 | 11900-12130 W 127th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Rice Memorial Nature Trail - Topeka, KS | 39.024718 | -95.701482 | Shunga Trail | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Riverside Machine - Wichita, KS | 37.707866 | -97.348119 | 1370-1398 Bitting St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Riverside Park - 1887 - Wichita, KS | 37.696934 | -97.347697 | 720 Nims N | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Riverside Park - 1901 - Wichita, KS | 37.696044 | -97.345737 | 925-1017 W Stackman Dr | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Riverside Park - 1912 - Wichita, KS | 37.697107 | -97.345081 | 501-669 W Stackman Dr | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Riverside Park - East Entrance - Wichita, KS | 37.697273 | -97.344592 | 501 W Stackman Dr | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Riverside Park Interactive Fountain - Wichita, KS | 37.696576 | -97.347132 | 720 Nims N | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Roaring Lion - Leawood, KS | 38.894041 | -94.633949 | 4124 Delmar Dr | Leawood | Kansas | United States |
Roe Bowl Fountain - Leawood, KS | 38.883491 | -94.640143 | 4707 W 135th St | Leawood | Kansas | United States |
Rose Utility Box - Topeka, KS | 39.029673 | -95.660416 | 1317 SE 21st St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Saint Luke Missionary Baptist Church - Topeka, KS | 39.027064 | -95.672495 | 2200-2222 SE Madison St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Saint Matthews Catholic Parish - Topeka, KS | 39.017164 | -95.665373 | 1000 SE 28th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Saint Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish Entrance Sign - Leawood, KS | 38.87152 | -94.648992 | 14127-14199 Nall Ave | Leawood | Kansas | United States |
Saint Patrick Catholic Church - Kansas City, KS | 39.116056 | -94.798488 | 9401-9459 State Ave | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Saint Paul Catholic Church - Olathe, KS | 38.871433 | -94.832342 | 920 S Honeysuckle Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Santa Fe RR Caboose | 39.063842 | -95.683558 | 120-164 NW Clay St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Second Baptist Church - Olathe, KS | 38.88627 | -94.821071 | 331 N Kansas Ave | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Secret Door - Topeka, KS | 39.053192 | -95.671226 | 401-499 SE Quincy St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Secret Vault - Topeka, KS | 39.050331 | -95.696202 | 1001-1069 SW Washburn Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Shagbark Hickory - Overland Park, KS | 38.933031 | -94.694245 | Indian Creek Trail | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Shannon Valley Park - Overland Park, KS | 38.925022 | -94.696571 | 11303 Mastin St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Shelley Ghio Memorial Bench - Topeka, KS | 39.021289 | -95.723535 | 2540 SW Gage Blvd | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Shiloh Baptist Church - Topeka, KS | 39.04564 | -95.692545 | 1213 SW Buchanan St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Shunga Glen Park - Topeka, KS | 39.027075 | -95.69672 | Shunga Trail | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Simmon's First Belltower - Olathe, KS | 38.918333 | -94.796757 | 11599 S Ridgeview Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Smoke Shop Mural - Wichita, KS | 37.664501 | -97.341743 | 322 W Harry St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Soccer Fountain - Overland Park, KS | 38.880254 | -94.704935 | 13501 Switzer Rd | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Sorghum Press - Olathe, KS | 38.891815 | -94.801684 | 1100 E Kansas City Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Southdown Park Sign - Olathe, KS | 38.850112 | -94.790353 | Indian Creek Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Southwest Church of Christ - Topeka, KS | 39.015105 | -95.717968 | 3224 SW 29th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Spanish American War Memorial - Wichita, KS | 37.697459 | -97.349365 | 918 W Murdock St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Sports Park Wall of Fame - Topeka, KS | 39.060934 | -95.712755 | Center Bldg Dr | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Sprint Clocktower - Overland Park, KS | 38.918903 | -94.658299 | Sprint World Headquarters | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Sprout - Olathe, KS | 38.883357 | -94.816814 | 301 E Santa Fe St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
St Francis Statue at Via Christi - Wichita, KS | 37.700189 | -97.331799 | 928 St Francis N | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
St Matthew Christian Church - Wichita, KS | 37.698834 | -97.322092 | 841 N Cleveland | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
St Paul's United Methodist Church - Wichita, KS | 37.707854 | -97.335279 | 1356 N Broadway St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
St. David's Dedication Stone - Topeka, KS | 39.037016 | -95.726191 | 3916-4008 SW 17th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
St. Johns - Topeka, KS | 39.050656 | -95.688262 | 1001-1015 SW 9th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church - Wichita, KS | 37.682373 | -97.360339 | 149 S Millwood Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
St. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church - Topeka, KS | 39.044203 | -95.709331 | 2516 SW Huntoon St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Stain Glass Cross - Overland Park, KS | 38.922292 | -94.669508 | 11308 Metcalf Ave | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Starbucks - Olathe, KS | 38.88301146 | -94.76356894 | 15225 W 135th St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Statue of Liberty - Overland Park, KS | 38.854252 | -94.666734 | 15120 Travis St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Statue of a woman - Leawood, KS | 38.891524 | -94.633392 | 13030 Catalina St | Leawood | Kansas | United States |
Stone Family Sculpture - Overland Park, KS | 38.912574 | -94.653633 | 5873-6003 W 119th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Stone Maze - Olathe, KS | 38.899111 | -94.745269 | Indian Creek Trail | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Summer Crest Park Sign - Overland Park, KS | 38.924979 | -94.671358 | 7301 W 112th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Summercrest Park - Overland Park, KS | 38.92723 | -94.676901 | 11101-11141 Lowell Ave | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Sunflower Capitol Electrical Box - Topeka, KS | 39.036821 | -95.678755 | 101-109 SE 17th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Sustainability Feature: Geese Management - Overland Park, KS | 38.915448 | -94.654137 | W 117th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Temple Ministries - Wichita, KS | 37.713353 | -97.351584 | 1001-1099 W 16th St N | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Temple Nueva Vida - Wichita, KS | 37.711561 | -97.338822 | 101-151 W 15th St N | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
The Antioch Baptist Church - Topeka, KS | 39.04232 | -95.66546 | 1115 SE Washington St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
The Book of Acts Church - Wichita, KS | 37.671768 | -97.337922 | 1144 S Main St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
The Centennial Pavilion - Wichita, KS | 37.69583 | -97.364894 | 700-764 Amidon St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
The Eaton Hotel - Wichita, KS | 37.685884 | -97.331893 | 523 E Douglas Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
The Fountains - Overland Park, KS | 38.912749 | -94.662776 | 6693-6747 W 119th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
The Grand Chapel - Wichita, KS | 37.698387 | -97.335245 | 828 N Broadway St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
The Historic Sedgwick County C - Wichita, KS | 37.694159 | -97.337306 | 538 N Main St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
The Hungry Caterpillar - Wichita, KS | 37.695214 | -97.365348 | 1930-2102 W Sim Park Dr | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
The Robot - Topeka, KS | 39.031622 | -95.704228 | 2001 SW Jewell Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
The Victory Life Insurance Co. - Topeka, KS | 39.04979 | -95.677565 | 300 SW 8th Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
The Wall Car - Wichita, KS | 37.688816 | -97.314694 | 226 N Kansas St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
The Water and the Stone Fountain - Olathe, KS | 38.893989 | -94.817914 | 753 N Water St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
The Woodward - Topeka, KS | 39.04331 | -95.689419 | 1257 SW Fillmore St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
The Yard Store - Wichita, KS | 37.693369 | -97.329424 | 725 E Central Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Theb - Olathe, KS | 38.893163 | -94.819696 | Northgate | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Thomas S. Stoll Park Windmill - Overland Park, KS | 38.916405 | -94.729419 | Access Rd | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
To Life - Leawood, KS | 38.918679 | -94.653867 | 5801 W 115th St | Leawood | Kansas | United States |
Tomahawk Creek Trail Mile 3 - Overland Park, KS | 38.899953 | -94.649558 | 12636-12642 Nall Ave | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Topeka Bible Church - Topeka, KS | 39.049348 | -95.699223 | 1101 SW Mulvane St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Topeka Civic Theatre and Academy - Topeka, KS | 39.055067 | -95.715301 | 750-798 SW Oakley Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Topeka Country Club - Topeka, KS | 39.022306 | -95.693507 | 2626 SW Buchanan St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Topeka First United Methodist - Topeka, KS | 39.052043 | -95.678107 | 600 SW Topeka Blvd | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Topeka Maner Conference Center - Topeka, KS | 39.036061 | -95.686835 | 1700 SW Western Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Totem at Mid-America All-Indian Center - Wichita, KS | 37.692273 | -97.352415 | 688-852 N Seneca St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Tower of Faith - Olathe, KS | 38.855382 | -94.782624 | 2080 E 151st St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Trail Marker 14 - Olathe, KS | 38.914429 | -94.808481 | 11838 S Skyview Ln | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Travel Air - Wichita, KS | 37.684447 | -97.345839 | 535 W Douglas Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Tree of Life Fellowship Church - Topeka, KS | 39.055114 | -95.673601 | 345 SW Jackson St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Trinity Community Church - Kansas City, KS | 39.128949 | -94.695242 | 5010-5054 Parallel Pkwy | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Troll! - Wichita, KS | 37.691025 | -97.347467 | 777 W Central Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Two Trails Park - Olathe, KS | 38.896472 | -94.797033 | 1022-1038 N Ridgeview Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
U.S. Courthouse - Wichita, KS | 37.69179 | -97.337131 | 401 N Market St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
U.S. Submariners On Eternal Pa - Wichita, KS | 37.690188 | -97.344995 | 339 Veterans Pkwy | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
University United Methodist Church - Topeka, KS | 39.037053 | -95.700643 | 1700-1798 SW 17th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Vacant Building with Interesting Design - Overland Park, KS | 38.883388 | -94.635538 | 4501 W 135th St | Overland Park | Kansas | United States |
Veterans Picnic Area and Shelter - Topeka, KS | 39.026964 | -95.720031 | Unnamed Road | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Via's Pizzeria - Topeka, KS | 39.055013 | -95.72424 | 738 SW Gage Blvd | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Victory Hills Baptist Church - Kansas City, KS | 39.128925 | -94.732601 | 6639 Parallel Pkwy | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Villa St. Francis Est. 1945 - Olathe, KS | 38.900978 | -94.782385 | 12535-12599 Rogers Rd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Walk Path - American Indian trail - Wichita, KS | 37.695513 | -97.369049 | 1931-2101 W Sim Park Dr | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Walkabout Sculpture - Wichita, KS | 37.689072 | -97.328797 | 236 N Mead St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Washburn Bell Tower - Topeka, KS | 39.034646 | -95.701722 | 1989 SW College Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Washburn University NW Sign - Topeka, KS | 39.036802 | -95.705884 | 2201-2299 SW 17th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Water Gardens at Waterwalk Place - Wichita, KS | 37.681171 | -97.339274 | 400-498 S Water St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Waterfalls of Washburn - Topeka, KS | 39.03668 | -95.697174 | 1625 SW Washburn Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Welcome Home - Olathe, KS | 38.883974 | -94.821 | 235 N Kansas Ave | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
West Douglas Church of Christ - Wichita, KS | 37.684124 | -97.363752 | 1918-1924 W Douglas Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
West Lost Sock Laundromat - Wichita, KS | 37.673491 | -97.353256 | 1124 W McCormick St | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
West Olathe Welcome - Olathe, KS | 38.883455 | -94.833464 | 1035-1077 W Santa Fe St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
West Side Baptist Church - Topeka, KS | 39.058118 | -95.685065 | 321 SW Fillmore St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Westboro - Topeka, KS | 39.041209 | -95.719295 | 1325 SW Lakeside Dr | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Westboro Baptist Church - Topeka, KS | 39.045494 | -95.721502 | 3701 SW 12th St | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Westboro Gazebo - Topeka, KS | 39.038208 | -95.720209 | 1580-1598 SW Lakeside Dr | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Whirlpool Statue - Topeka, KS | 39.035831 | -95.701873 | 1845 SW Jewell Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
White Church Christian Church - Kansas City, KS | 39.130798 | -94.775987 | 2200 N 85 St | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Wichita Indian Methodist Church - Wichita, KS | 37.704241 | -97.371692 | 1129 N Meridian Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Wichita Scottish Rite Temple Center - Wichita, KS | 37.68801 | -97.334411 | 328 E 1st St N | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Wichita Vietnamese American Me - Wichita, KS | 37.69078 | -97.346594 | 777 W Central Ave | Wichita | Kansas | United States |
Wild Flowers - Olathe, KS | 38.883784 | -94.818013 | 200 E Santa Fe St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Wild Turkey Brood Habitat - Olathe, KS | 38.91047 | -94.778905 | 1601-1899 Renner Blvd | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Willow Park - Topeka, KS | 39.057825 | -95.696017 | 1700-1796 SW 6th Ave | Topeka | Kansas | United States |
Wind Turbine - Olathe, KS | 38.915574 | -94.800813 | 11832-11858 S Sunset Dr | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Winstead's Spire - Leawood, KS | 38.883251 | -94.644054 | 4971 W 135th St | Leawood | Kansas | United States |
WorldTrail Step Up Routine - Olathe, KS | 38.86951 | -94.805188 | 1062-1082 E Dennis Ave | Olathe | Kansas | United States |
Wyandotte County Lake History - Kansas City, KS | 39.148292 | -94.788809 | 3255-3399 N 91st St | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Zion Church United Church of Christ - Kansas City, KS | 39.136985 | -94.745127 | 2711 N 72nd St | Kansas City | Kansas | United States |
Zonkers - Olathe, KS | 38.858224 | -94.821835 | 20070 W 151st St | Olathe | Kansas | United States |