Parabolic Charge

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Revision as of 13:09, 30 July 2016 by Mashiro21 (talk | contribs)

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Parabolic Charge
Parabolic Charge
Move Type Special Move
Type electric
Power 25
Power Per Second 11.9
Accuracy 1
Critical Chance 5.0%
Stamina Loss 0.05
Energy -20
Energy Per Second -9.52
Energy Requirement 1/5 Bar
Heal 0.5
Effective Against Flying, Water
Ineffective Against Dragon, Electric, Grass
Duration 2100
Damage Window 400.0
Damage Window Start 1300
Damage Window End 1700
Description  ???

Parabolic Charge is a electric type Special Move.

Effective Against

Ineffective Against

Used By Pokemon