Pokemon | Number | Evolution Requirement | Egg Distance | Standard Moves | Special Moves | Acquired by | Height | Weight |
Bulbasaur | 1 | | 2km | Tackle Vine Whip | Sludge Bomb Seed Bomb Power Whip | Where to Find and Catch Bulbasaur | 0.7m 2'04" | 15.2lbs 6.9kg |
Ivysaur | 2 | | N/A | Razor Leaf Vine Whip | Sludge Bomb Solar Beam Power Whip | Where to Find and Catch Ivysaur | 1.0m 3'03" | 28.7lbs 13.0kg |
Venusaur | 3 | | N/A | Razor Leaf Vine Whip | Sludge Bomb Solar Beam Petal Blizzard | Where to Find and Catch Venusaur | 2.0m 6'07" | 220.5lbs 100.0kg |
Weedle | 13 | | 2km | Bug Bite Poison Sting | Struggle | Where to Find and Catch Weedle | 0.3m 1'00" | 7.1lbs 3.2kg |
Kakuna | 14 | | N/A | Bug Bite Poison Sting | Struggle | Where to Find and Catch Kakuna | 0.6m 2'00" | 22.0lbs 10.0kg |
Beedrill | 15 | | N/A | Poison Jab Infestation | Aerial Ace Sludge Bomb X-Scissor | Where to Find and Catch Beedrill | 1.0m 3'03" | 65.0lbs 29.5kg |
Ekans | 23 | | 5km | Acid Poison Sting | Sludge Bomb Wrap Poison Fang | Where to Find and Catch Ekans | 2.0m 6'07" | 15.2lbs 6.9kg |
Arbok | 24 | | N/A | Acid Bite | Gunk Shot Sludge Wave Dark Pulse | Where to Find and Catch Arbok | 3.5m 11'06" | 143.3lbs 65.0kg |
Nidoran (F) | 29 | | 5km | Poison Sting Bite | Poison Fang Sludge Bomb Body Slam | Where to Find and Catch Nidoran (F) | 1'04" 0.4m | 15.4lbs 7.0kg |
Nidorina | 30 | | N/A | Poison Sting Bite | Poison Fang Sludge Bomb Dig | Where to Find and Catch Nidorina | 0.8m 2'07" | 44.1lbs 20.0kg |
Nidoqueen | 31 | | N/A | Poison Jab Bite | Stone Edge Sludge Wave Earthquake | Where to Find and Catch Nidoqueen | 1.3m 4'03" | 132.3lbs 60.0kg |
Nidoran (M) | 32 | | 5km | Poison Sting Peck | Horn Attack Body Slam Sludge Bomb | Where to Find and Catch Nidoran (M) | 1'08" 0.5m | 19.8lbs 9.0kg |
Nidorino | 33 | | N/A | Poison Jab Poison Sting | Horn Attack Dig Sludge Bomb | Where to Find and Catch Nidorino | 0.9m 2'11" | 43.0lbs 19.5kg |
Nidoking | 34 | | N/A | Poison Jab Iron Tail | Megahorn Earthquake Sludge Wave | Where to Find and Catch Nidoking | 1.4m 4'07" | 136.7lbs 62.0kg |
Zubat | 41 | | 2km | Bite Quick Attack | Poison Fang Air Cutter Swift | Where to Find and Catch Zubat | 2'07" 0.8m | 16.5lbs 7.5kg |
Golbat | 42 | | N/A | Bite Wing Attack | Poison Fang Air Cutter Shadow Ball | Where to Find and Catch Golbat | 1.6m 5'03" | 121.3lbs 55.0kg |
Oddish | 43 | | 5km | Razor Leaf Acid | Moonblast Seed Bomb Sludge Bomb | Where to Find and Catch Oddish | 0.5m 1'08" | 11.9lbs 5.4kg |
Gloom | 44 | | N/A | Razor Leaf Acid | Moonblast Petal Blizzard Sludge Bomb | Where to Find and Catch Gloom | 0.8m 2'07" | 19.0lbs 8.6kg |
Vileplume | 45 | | N/A | Razor Leaf Acid | Moonblast Petal Blizzard Solar Beam | Where to Find and Catch Vileplume | 1.2m 3'11" | 41.0lbs 18.6kg |
Venonat | 48 | | 5km | Confusion Bug Bite | Signal Beam Poison Fang Psybeam | Where to Find and Catch Venonat | 1.0m 3'03" | 66.1lbs 30.0kg |
Venomoth | 49 | | N/A | Confusion Infestation | Bug Buzz Silver Wind Psychic (Move) | Where to Find and Catch Venomoth | 1.5m 4'11" | 27.6lbs 12.5kg |
Bellsprout | 69 | | 5km | Acid Vine Whip | Sludge Bomb Power Whip Wrap | Where to Find and Catch Bellsprout | 0.7m 2'04" | 8.8lbs 4.0kg |
Weepinbell | 70 | | N/A | Acid Bullet Seed | Sludge Bomb Power Whip Seed Bomb | Where to Find and Catch Weepinbell | 1.0m 3'03" | 14.1lbs 6.4kg |
Victreebel | 71 | | N/A | Acid Razor Leaf | Sludge Bomb Leaf Blade Solar Beam | Where to Find and Catch Victreebel | 1.7m 5'07" | 34.2lbs 15.5kg |
Tentacool | 72 | | 5km | Bubble Poison Sting | Bubble Beam Water Pulse Wrap | Where to Find and Catch Tentacool | 0.9m 2'11" | 100.3lbs 45.5kg |
Tentacruel | 73 | | N/A | Acid Poison Jab | Blizzard Hydro Pump Sludge Wave | Where to Find and Catch Tentacruel | 1.6m 5'03" | 121.3lbs 55.0kg |
Grimer | 88 | | 5km | Mud Slap Poison Jab | Sludge Sludge Bomb Mud Bomb | Where to Find and Catch Grimer | 0.9m 2'11" | 66.1lbs 30.0kg |
Muk | 89 | | N/A | Poison Jab Infestation | Sludge Wave Dark Pulse Gunk Shot | Where to Find and Catch Muk | 1.2m 3'11" | 66.1lbs 30.0kg |
Gastly | 92 | | 5km | Lick Astonish | Dark Pulse Sludge Bomb Night Shade | Where to Find and Catch Gastly | 1.3m 4'03" | 0.2lbs 0.1kg |
Haunter | 93 | | N/A | Shadow Claw Astonish | Dark Pulse Sludge Bomb Shadow Punch | Where to Find and Catch Haunter | 1.6m 5'03" | 0.2lbs 0.1kg |
Gengar | 94 | | N/A | Sucker Punch Hex | Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Focus Blast | Where to Find and Catch Gengar | 1.5m 4'11" | 89.3lbs 40.5kg |
Koffing | 109 | | 5km | Tackle Infestation | Dark Pulse Sludge Sludge Bomb | Where to Find and Catch Koffing | 0.6m 2'00" | 2.2lbs 1.0kg |
Weezing | 110 | | N/A | Tackle Infestation | Dark Pulse Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb | Where to Find and Catch Weezing | 1.2m 3'11" | 20.9lbs 9.5kg |
Spinarak | 167 | | N/A | Poison Sting Bug Bite | Night Slash Signal Beam Cross Poison | Where to Find and Catch Spinarak | 1'8" 0.51m | 18.7lbs 8.5kg |
Ariados | 168 | | N/A | Poison Sting Infestation | Shadow Sneak Megahorn Cross Poison | Where to Find and Catch Ariados | 3'7" 1.09m | 73.9lbs 33.5kg |
Crobat | 169 | | N/A | Bite Air Slash | Shadow Ball Air Cutter Sludge Bomb | Where to Find and Catch Crobat | 5'11" 1.80m | 165.3lbs 75.0kg |
Qwilfish | 211 | | 5km | Poison Sting Water Gun | Aqua Tail Ice Beam Sludge Wave | Where to Find and Catch Qwilfish | 1'8" 0.51m | 8.6lbs 3.9kg |
Dustox | 269 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Dustox | 3'11" 1.19m | 69.7lbs 31.6kg |
Roselia | 315 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Roselia | 1'0" 0.30m | 4.4lbs 2.0kg |
Gulpin | 316 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Gulpin | 1'4" 0.41m | 22.7lbs 10.3kg |
Swalot | 317 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Swalot | 5'7" 1.70m | 176.4lbs 80.0kg |
Seviper | 336 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Seviper | 8'10" 2.69m | 115.7lbs 52.5kg |
Budew | 406 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Budew | 0'8" 0.20m | 2.6lbs 1.2kg |
Roserade | 407 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Roserade | 2'11" 0.89m | 32lbs 14.5kg |
Stunky | 434 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Stunky | 1'4" 0.41m | 42.3lbs 19.2kg |
Skuntank | 435 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Skuntank | 3'3" 0.99m | 83.8lbs 38.0kg |
Skorupi | 451 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Skorupi | 2'7" 0.79m | 26.5lbs 12.0kg |
Drapion | 452 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Drapion | 4'3" 1.30m | 135.6lbs 61.5kg |
Croagunk | 453 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Croagunk | 2'4" 0.71m | 50.7lbs 23.0kg |
Toxicroak | 454 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Toxicroak | 4'3" 1.30m | 97.9lbs 44.4kg |
Venipede | 543 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Venipede | 1'4" 0.41m | 11.7lbs 5.3kg |
Whirlipede | 544 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Whirlipede | 3'11" 1.19m | 129lbs 58.5kg |
Scolipede | 545 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Scolipede | 8'2" 2.49m | 442lbs 200.5kg |
Trubbish | 568 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Trubbish | 2'0" 0.61m | 68.3lbs 31.0kg |
Garbodor | 569 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Garbodor | 6'3" 1.91m | 236.6lbs 107.3kg |
Foongus | 590 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Foongus | 0'8" 0.20m | 2.2lbs 1.0kg |
Amoonguss | 591 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Amoonguss | 2'0" 0.61m | 23.1lbs 10.5kg |
Skrelp | 690 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Skrelp | 1'8" 0.51m | 16.1lbs 7.3kg |
Dragalge | 691 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Dragalge | 5'11" 1.80m | 179.7lbs 81.5kg |
Mareanie | 747 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Mareanie | 1'4" 0.41m | 17.6lbs 8.0kg |
Toxapex | 748 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Toxapex | 2'4" 0.71m | 32lbs 14.5kg |
Salandit | 757 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Salandit | 2'0" 0.61m | 10.6lbs 4.8kg |
Salazzle | 758 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Salazzle | 3'11" 1.19m | 48.9lbs 22.2kg |
Nihilego | 793 | | ?? | ????? | ????? | Where to Find and Catch Nihilego | 3'11" 1.19m | 122.4lbs 55.5kg |